Kate Adams

Kate Adams PhD is Professor of Education at Leeds Trinity University, Leeds, UK. After graduating from university, she embarked on a career in primary teaching in England, where she specialised in non-confessional Religious Education. After almost a decade working in school, she was enticed by academia to become a full-time doctoral student at the University of Glasgow, UK, where she earned a PhD exploring children’s spiritual dreams. Kate has been researching children’s spirituality for over 23 years, with a specific interest in understanding their inner worlds from their perspectives, which often challenge adults’ perceptions of children. Among the themes covered, Kate has explored children’s spiritual and/or religious experiences, where she encourages adults to think beyond Western conceptions, such as deeming all of children’s narratives as imagination. Her current project explores different interpretations of childhood ‘imaginary’ friends and the implications they might have for learning. Kate applies her findings to school settings, and is available for consultancy to aid teachers’ understanding and implementation of aspects of children’s spirituality across the curriculum as relevant for children of all faiths and none. Kate is also available to give talks to various audiences, including: the general public; academia, such as guest lectures for trainee teachers and other students, such as those pursuing courses on childhood or education studies; research seminars at colleges and universities; and for interviews for the media. She also welcomes conversations about potential new academic collaborations, and enquiries from those considering studying for a PhD in the field. She can be contacted at k.adams@leedstrinity.ac.uk