A group of people sitting around a table in a room.

16th International Conference on Children's Spirituality

Date: 2018-07-02
Event type: Conferences

The 16th International Conference on Children’s Spirituality – Questioning relationships between children’s spirituality and traditions – hosted by Prof. Elaine Champagne, took place at Laval University, Québec city, Canada, from Tuesday 24 July – Friday 27 July 2018. The conference interested practitioners and researchers coming from a diversity of disciplinary, cultural, and professional backgrounds who are concerned with the spiritual well-being and development of children and young adults, from 0 to 20 years old. You will find all relevant information for the conference by following this link: https://www.chaire-spiritualites.ulaval.ca/dialoguer-et-diffuser/colloques-et-congres-2/iacs-conference-2018/. We enjoyed seeing you in Quebec City in July 2018!